So, you may have noticed I didn't start posting any serial episodes.
After four weeks and tens of thousands of words, I realized that the serial format just doesn't mesh with my style as a writer. As a result, I tossed those words.
I suppose it was a good experiment, and I wouldn't have known that it doesn't work for me unless I tried it. That said, it kind of ruins my desire to bounce around a bit more, but every single writer on the planet has that problem, so boo hoo, I can just put on my big boy pants and do some prioritization.
Some of the ideas and plots I was looking at for the serials may be recycled into full-length novels in the future.
So, where am I at now?
The good news is, I'll finish up the primary draft of THE FINAL CITY this week, and go into editing following Christmas, with a tentative release date of January 15.
That book will of course finish off the Osland Trilogy, and I'm exploring my options for further YA paranormal work depending on how the last book is received, though I'm generally sticking my plan to write (well, really, extensively edit an existing draft) the second in my Cleansing War saga fantasy series for a spring 2015 release.